Friday September 21, 2018
AI and PR – the future of comms?
When we say artificial intelligence, most of us still envision cyborgs taking over the world as we know it – like a cinematic zombie apocalypse.
Although this armageddon may still be a while away, AI is here now and it’s here to stay.
The way in which we communicate has been transformed like never before and technology has, without a doubt, made life and interaction easier for everyone on a global scale.
12% of a public relations practitioner’s total skills (out of 52) could be complemented or replaced by AI today, with a prediction that this could climb to 38% within five years, according to the Chartered Institute of Public Relations.
With this in mind, staying ahead of this revolution is critical and will be even more so in the coming years as technology evolves ever faster.
In spite of all that AI can do, can artificial intelligence ever reach the supreme level of cognitive ability to match human beings? Empathy, loyalty, maintaining relationships and engaging in reciprocal humour may not be something we are able to automate – yet.
Wendy Marx highlights the power of AI in PR having the ability to:
- Write data-driven stories
- Create media lists
- Help in crisis management
- Transcribe audio and video into text
- Predict media trends
- Monitor social media
The following infographics explain the findings of the Global Alliance Global Body of Knowledge (GBOK) and its framework “which describes more than 50 capabilities in PR practice – an estimate of current tools plotted against GBOK PR skills and abilities.”
Over the course of the next five years, dramatic changes will have occurred.
Mostafa Elbermawy believes that AI and public relations “go together like PB&J.” He sees one of the most important uses of AI in PR within the domain of crisis comms. “Using an AI-driven monitoring program means teams can gauge reactions, brand sentiment, marketing results, and much more. Businesses can also use these capabilities to manage issues before they turn into full-blown disasters.”
Using AI in this way can strengthen engagement on a spectacular scale, making interaction pleasurable for all those involved.
Ultimately, AI will give us deeper access and insight into data and behaviour, meaning PR consultants are able to influence outcomes in a strategic and premeditated way to ensure all bases are covered. It will allow us to reach highly targeted audiences and help make decision-making easier, giving us the ability to forecast trends and predict failures.
Curzon PR is a London-based PR firm working with clients globally. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Business Development Team [email protected]
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