Improve Your LinkedIn Profile To Land Your Dream Job

LinkedIn is the world’s largest business social network available to professionals. With more than 380 million registered users in over 200 countries, LinkedIn aims to connect the world’s professionals and transform the ways companies hire, market and sell, thus making it the ideal online tool for your own job search.

LinkedIn’s fastest growing demographic with more than 39 million users, are its students and recent college grads. So, how can you make your profile standout and catch HR or recruiter’s interest? Here are a few tips to improve your profile and land your dream job:

1. Change Your Profile Settings

First and foremost, change the settings on your profile when editing. You want to keep people informed of your career moves, but you don’t want to alert them to every edit you make on your profile. While in edit mode, turn off activity broadcasts and change the setting for “select who can see your activity feed” to “only you.”

2. Update your Profile Picture

It’s the first thing potential employers see when viewing your profile. Invest in a headshot or select your most professional photo with a clean background.

3. Experience

According to LinkedIn’s official blog, listing your two most recent positions makes your profile 12x more likely to be found. Update your profile with all of the jobs or positions you’ve held with a description. Treat this as a resume and add results you have achieved in these positions. LinkedIn also suggests adding five or more skills on your profile.

4. Summary

It’s an opportunity for you to sell yourself. Utilise the space to describe your experience and background. Don’t be afraid to insert your personality – it will help you stand out, as well as add a personal touch. Also, use the summary to repeat key skills you want to be recognised for – repetition will help the right audience find you.

5. Recommendations

Ask employers and co-workers for recommendations to add to your profile. More often than not, they are happy to provide one for you if you just ask. Recommendations are an easy way to build credibility and boost your online reputation.

6. Get Involved

Join relevant groups that will help you connect with professionals in the industry you are seeking employment. Aim to be involved in no less than 10 groups and then connect and share with them.

7. Share

Posting updates frequently, at the very least once a day, will increase your engagement, as well as keep you visible to your connections. Post relevant industry news or share any blog posts you have written.

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